It was a freezing cold night and almost every house had their fire place crackling. I, on the other hand, was having the best dream ever. This afternoon I had built a very big snowman all by myself but it was very different than the usual one. He was shaped like a person wrapped up but not his arms or legs. In this amazing dream he came alive and hugged me as if thanking me for making him.
He started to leave but I didn't want him to go away. I held on to his arm tightly. As soon as I did, we were up into the mighty sky flying through the tallest mountains of the town. The snow was whiter than any white. In the middle of all these mountains were narrow never-ending caves. There were reindeer and goats. I wondered if they lived in the caves. I saw the clumsy penguins that were sliding down the slippery mountains and kept bumping into each other, I thought they were having a race. I thought the caves were where all three animals lived.
After we saw the enormous mountains, we came to a beautiful sight. The village that I lived in was different to the one I was seeing now. The rusty churches were all golden, the houses that were noisy were as quiet as a mouse and there were no cars that created traffic jams on the roads. This night only the breeze and breathing could be heard.
I felt like I was zooming across the sea. There was an enormous ship that had a party going on inside. When a joker saw us, he banged his wine bottle on his head. I really laughed at that.
We saw a dark blue whale and dolphins. The whale squirted water from his blowhole on his back but I only got a little wet.
It was five in the morning now. I saw the northern lights and I thought they were pretty.
That night before I went to sleep I looked at the snowman I'd built. It almost looked see-through. When I looked up at the sky it looked like the snowman had left his body and gone into the night sky to give another child a ride.